
It’s strange that as humans we have two of so many important body parts: limbs, eyes, ears, kidneys, ovaries, lungs, etc. But we only have one heart. Why?

There is an obvious, scientific logic that comes with analyzing this: take care of your heart. Eat well, stay active, don’t overstimulate it too much. You only have one.

But there’s also a more romantic, yet just as obvious analysis. It is still: take care of your heart. Treat it well, don’t let it get abused, don’t overburden it. You only have one.

Maybe getting only one heart was the true test given to us by our creator (whether you envision that as the universe or a grander, more spiritual thing). Our hearts are the true symbols of our mortality. Can you, human, handle this one delicate thing? You don’t have a spare.

So uhhhhh… Happy Valentine’s Day?