Some good stuff

I feel like I've been a bummer lately, so here are some good things that happened last week, plus a bonus good thing happening tomorrow:


  • I visited a waterfall on Monday! I was so excited that I closed my eyes.
  • My new nephew was born on Thursday! His name is Cody and I can't wait to meet him and teach him Bowie songs. 
  • Ted Leo released a new album on Friday! I helped fund it after reading this semi-heartbreaking interview so I'm really excited it's out. It's also on Spotify
  • I discovered my new favorite snack! My office started stocking these white cheddar Hippeas and good thing they're packaged in small portions because it stops me from eating five bags worth in a row... although I still kinda want to. 
  • Lucas and I started a new Ken Burns documentary to further our nerd cred! We discovered The West while browsing our favorite Netflix subgenre, "Historical Documentary," and watched the first episode today. I'm into it. (I'm also excited to see his new Vietnam series, even though I feel weird using "excited" and "Vietnam" in the same sentence.)


  • I'm telling a story at this show tomorrow night at Halyard's! Come on out! It's at 7pm, there are some open mic spots, and it's totally free. Wow!

Hope you're also enjoying some good stuff this weekend!