Molly Cameron

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A Zoom Thanksgiving drinking game

Are you staying in your own pandemic pod for Thanksgiving? Do you have wine or other alcoholic beverages? Great. You’re ready for a Zoom Thanksgiving with the rest of your family.

(But also: please drink responsibly, OK? You could even drink seltzer instead of booze if your goal is to have amazing burps. Live your dreams.)

Drink when:

  • Your mom asks if you just woke up.

  • Your dad makes a Tofurky joke.

  • Someone starts talking on mute. Bonus: drink again when someone says “you’re muted.” 

  • You can only see someone’s chin and neck.

  • You see the reflection of someone’s ring light in their glasses.

  • Someone yells to their offscreen child, “No, put it down! I said put it down. Right now.” Then rolls their eyes, mutes themselves, and leaves the screen.

  • Someone drops mashed potatoes on their computer. 

  • Someone’s phone drops into the mashed potatoes.

  • Someone says “No, you go ahead.” 

  • Someone shares an appetizer recipe in the chat that somehow involves crushed Cheetos.

  • A child suddenly appears on the screen to show everyone a drawing that looks like boobs.

  • Your teenage cousin blatantly watches TikTok videos on his phone.

  • Someone turns on Christmas music. 

  • Someone shares an article about “Biden’s illegal victory” in the chat. 

  • Someone’s phone falls over and you can only see a napkin.

  • An elderly relative falls asleep.

Finish your drink when: 

  • Your brother starts a sentence with “So, actually….” and everyone else mutes themselves.

  • Someone reveals they aren’t wearing pants.

  • You take off your own pants.

  • You successfully minimize the Zoom window and buy leggings online without anyone noticing you have fully disengaged from the conversation.

  • You click the Leave Meeting button, and then forget you also have to click the other Leave Meeting button.